TRILOGY CARRES D'ART brings together in a hard case the 3 complementary works which list the inventory of almost all the Hermès scarves produced since 1937._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Each copy is numbered from 0 to 200
These works are the same as those sold individually and bearing the same title, only the case and the numbering differ.
Squares of art IV
Reissue 2021 - Revised
take inventory of drawings of squares published by Hermès
of dimensions between 55 and 100 cm
Limited Editions
takes inventory of Scarves from the Classic Hermès Collection (see CDA IV) marked or a distinction to identify the event.
Special Editions
takes inventory of Specially printed squares par Hermès d'un unpublished drawing for an advertising, commemorative, special event or for a good cause. Series, partnership and Carrés d'exception complete the inventory.
A dictionary of illustrators and their creations of squares closes this volume.
AUTHOR: Geneviève Fontan
- PREFACE: Aida Garifullina for CDA Ed Limited
PUBLISHER: Arfon Publishing House
- Legal deposit: October 2021
- Format: 240 280 mm
- Box-hard case containing the 3 books Carrés d'art Carrés Hermès
- Carrés d'art IV + Carrés d'art Limited editions + Carrés d'art Special editions
- English French text
Cette édition numérotée pour les trois titres de la collection Trilogie est à la fois un investissement en tant que placement et l'opportunité de conserver en coffret une encyclopédie des Carrés Hermès personnalisée. Bientôt il n'y en aura plus.